In the News

In the News

“A beloved mayor’s suicide devastated his city and left an agonizing question: Why?” The Washington Post. February 3,2021.

“10 Reasons to Attend a Survivor Day Event.” American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, also known as Survivor Day, takes place each year on the Saturday before American Thanksgiving, with virtual and in-person events in communities everywhere. Learn more and find an event near you. Here, in the words of past attendees, are ten reasons to attend a Survivor Day event.

“I’ve Lost Someone” American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
You are not alone. Suicide affects millions each year, and the AFSP resources for suicide loss can help you heal:

  • Healing Conversations: Personal Support for Survivors of Suicide Loss
  • International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
  • International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day documentaries
  • Find a support group
  • How I Survived the Suicide of My Son: 15 Tips for Grieving Parents
  • What To Do If Your Family Won’t Talk About Your Suicide Loss
  • 10 Ways to Support a Loved One Who Has Lost Someone to Suicide
  • Thoughts from a Long-Term Survivor of Suicide Loss
  • Talking to others about what happened
  • Taking care of yourself
  • Suicide bereavement trained clinicians
  • Digital Memory Quilt
  • Books for loss survivors
  • A Manager’s Guide to Suicide Postvention in the Workplace
  • Postvention: A Guide for Response to Suicide on College Campuses
  • Healing Milestones – Recognizing Complicated Grief

“Why Are More Black Kids Suicidal? A Search for Answers.” New York Times. November 18, 2021

“Coping with the Loss of a Loved One by Suicide: 6 Steps Survivors Can Take” (article and video, 2:23min) With ABC News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton, author of Life After Suicide: Finding Courage, Comfort & Community After Unthinkable Loss.
“Life After Suicide” Podcast by ABC News

“The Lost Art of Grief.” (15:45 min) with Francis Weller MFT, psychotheapist, soul activist, and author.

“The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief.” (1hr. 32 min) Interview with Francis Weller MFT.

The Geography Of Sorrow.” The Sun interview with Francis Weller MFT.

Military Suicide Loss
TAPS – Tragedy Assistance Program for Military Survivors

“TAPS Stories from Fellow Suicide Loss Survivors.”

“TAPS Good Grief and Family Camp at Home.”
Our free virtual program offers many opportunities to have fun, to connect with other TAPS kids and mentors, and to connect as a family.

“TAPS Helping You and Your Family Survive a Suicide.” Military OneSource.

“Postvention — VA offers support after suicide loss.”
Uniting for Suicide Postvention (USPV)
Resources for community members, health care providers and workplace colleagues with videos, infographics and podcasts related to connecting and healing.

“The Days Ahead: Essential Papers for Families of Fallen Service Members.”
Helps surviving family members by providing resources — listings of support organizations and programs, books and websites on grief and loss.

“CNN’s Home Front: Remembering Veterans Who Died by Suicide.” (video, 5 min) CNN. Memorial Day 2020.

COVID-19 and Suicide

“COVID-19 and the risk of suicide.” Mayo Clinic Staff.
The emotional and psychological impacts of the pandemic can lead to feelings of hopelessness and thoughts about suicide. Learn the signs and what to do.

“COVID-19 Impact on Suicide.” by Julie Cerel, past president of the American Association of Suicidology and a professor in the UK College of Social Work.
The uncertainty brought on by the pandemic could have a profound impact on people’s mental health—leading to increased feelings of anxiety and depression. At the same time, isolation could compromise mental health—even as it protects physical health.

“The Pandemic Has Caused an Increase in Anxiety, Stress, Depression and Suicides.” by Jack Kelly, Senior Contributor, Forbes Magazine.

“Being A Suicide Loss Survivor During This Pandemic.”

“Coronavirus Pandemic Prompts Global Mental Health Crisis as Millions Feel Alone, Anxious & Depressed.” Democracy Now! Independent Global News. May 14, 2020.

“Managing Grief During a Pandemic. Four things to remember.” AFSP. April 17, 2020.

“Mental Health & COVID-19: Advice & Guidance, Social Sharing, Public Messages.” Resources & Guidance. AFSP.

“Dr. Christine Moutier Discusses Managing Your Mental Health on CNN Town Hall: How to Deal With the Stress and Anxiety of Coronavirus.” CNN. March 13, 2020.

“Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty.” AFSP. March 2020.

“Opinion: Suicide by a loved one is a different type of grief.” PBS Newshour. June 8, 2018.

Suicide Loss for Children and Teens

“Helping Children and Teens After a Suicide”
A collection of articles, websites and printouts for a parent or caregiver to help a child or teen deal with their grief following the suicide of a loved one or friend.

The Dougy Center
A safe place where children, teens, young adults, and their families grieving a death can share their experiences. Groups for ages 3-5, 6-12, teens-young adults.

“Coping With Grief, Loss, and Isolation During the Pandemic.” by Dougy Center Director Brennan Wood

The Trevor Project
A national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR (video, 21 min)

Camp Kita
“Siblings Start Camp To Help Kids Cope With Loss Of Loved Ones Who Died By Suicide.(video, 2:32 min) NBC Nightly News.

Long-Term Survivors of Suicide Loss Summit. Join fellow long-term survivors of suicide loss for a weekend of connection, learning and empowerment. July 30 – August 2, 2020 • Cleveland, OH

“3-Digit Hotline Aims To Assist In Suicide Prevention.” (audio, 3 min) National Public Radio. September 13, 2019. 9-8-8 national hotline to begin in 2020.

“Coping after suicide loss: Tips for grieving adults, children and schools.” American Psychological Association.
How to cope when a friend or loved one dies by suicide
Talking to children and teens about death by suicide
Tips for schools
Finding help and Resources
PDF of article.

Kevin Berthia and Sgt. Kevin Briggs talk about the power of compassionate presence and listening:
Kevin Berthia’s TED Talk “The Impact of Listening” (audio, 20 min)
Sgt. Kevin Briggs’ TED Talk “The Bridge Between Suicide and Life” (audio, 14 min)
Story Corps “I just got on that rail and turned around…” (audio, 3 min)
NPR “10 Years Later, A Pair Of Strangers Revisit A Leap Not Taken” (audio, 3 min)

“America Under Pressure.” (video, 2 min) Brenda Stark’s husband died by suicide last October. She and others have started meetings at their Wisconsin church to offer help for farmers who they say are often too proud to ask for help. NBC Nightly News. September 3, 2019.

“A Deeper Look at the CDC Findings on Farm Suicides.” National Farmers Union. November 27, 2018.

“V-A-R: Validate, Appreciate, Refer.” Active Minds’ everyday guide for everyday challenges. (1 min video and VAR resources) September 2019.

“Assessing Risk for Imminent Suicide.” By Igor Galynker, MD, PhD, et. al. Psychiatric Annals. September 1, 2014. An excellent article about assessing imminent suicide risk along multiple dimensions.

“Inside America’s Suicide Crisis.” Article: For too long, suicide has been a taboo subject—but as rates continue to rise, this once private shame is becoming a public health crisis. It’s time to illuminate the darkness. The Oprah Magazine. December 10, 2018.

“Life After Suicide Podcast by ABC Radio.” ABC News. Ongoing podcast.

“She lost her dad to suicide. She now hopes a billboard can help save others.” Washington Post. August 2, 2019.

“Once they hid their stories. But now, survivors of suicide are ‘coming out’ to combat a national crisis.” Washington Post. July 29, 2019.

Online Webinar: Suicide Loss Support Series: Because Love Never Dies, with David Kessler, author and leader on healing and loss. His books include On Grief and Grieving with Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

“What Remains: The Aftermath of Patient Suicide.” Article by Margaret Clausen, PsyD.

“Isolated And Struggling, Many Seniors Are Turning To Suicide.” (audio, 8 min) NPR Radio. July 27, 2019

“Opinion: Suicide by a loved one is a different type of grief.” PBS NewsHour. June 8, 2018.

“Coping with the loss of a loved one by suicide: 6 steps survivors can take.” ABC News. May 7, 2019.

“Life After Suicide podcast, hosted by ABC News’ Dr. Jennifer Ashton, helps listeners deal with grief.” ABC News. April 24, 2019.

“The hidden risks of suicide and depression for seniors living in long-term care.” PBS Newshour. April 9, 2019.

“How the way we talk about suicide can prevent it from happening again.” (video 9 min, and transcript) PBS Newshour. March 26, 2019.

“A Unique Suicide Risk Assessment Tool.” Columbia Lighthouse Project. The Columbia Protocol, also known as the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), supports suicide risk assessment through a series of simple, plain-language questions that anyone can ask.
The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale PDF

“Bill Boggs interviews Judy Collins in herNew York apartment.” (video, 34 min) An in-depth interview with legendary folk singer Judy Collins. She talks about the loss of her son to suicide at 22:42 of the video. January 4, 2018.

“Suicide Can’t Be Predicted by Asking About Suicidal Thoughts.” February 2, 2019.

Healing Conversations: Personal Support for Survivors of Suicide Loss
Gives those who have lost someone to suicide the opportunity to talk with our experienced volunteers. These AFSP volunteers, who are themselves survivors of suicide loss, offer understanding and guidance. Available in person, on the phone, or by video chat.

Resilience: Powerful Practices for Bouncing Back from Disappointment, Difficulty, and Even Disaster By Linda Graham MFT.
View video conversations with experts on recovering resilience.
Listen to audio recordings of resilience exercises.

“Solomon Thomas: My sister ‘was the light of my life’.” ESPN. September 19, 2018.

“Football Star Solomon Thomas Lost His Sister to Suicide, and Now He’s Speaking Out.” (video, 7 min) ESPN.

“Footprints in the Snow Lead to an Emotional Rescue.” by Ty Gagne. New Hampshire Union Leader. January 5, 2019.

“Nearly 1 in 5 teens seriously considers suicide. Can schools offer relief?” (video, 8 min) PBS Newshour. November 13, 2018.

“Children, Teens and Suicide Loss.” PDF Booklet. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).

“Mental Health: The Power of Community to Heal Our Minds.” Yes! Magazine. 2018.

“What Remains: The Aftermath of Patient Suicide.” Article by Margaret Clausen, PsyD.

“Finding Hope” (video, 48min)CNN Special Report town hall hosted by Anderson Cooper, with guests who have lost a loved one to suicide, and those who have struggled. June 24, 2018.

“At the Edge: Separation, Suicide and the Soul.” (audio, 24 min) Mosaic’s Living Myth Project with Michael Meade. June 2018.

“In final episode of “Parts Unknown,” Anthony Bourdain discusses death and Buddhism in Bhutan.” (video, 44min) Lion’s Roar. June 26, 2018.

“I’ve Lost Someone.” American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP.) After a Suicide resources.

“Returning to School After a Suicide Loss: For Teens.” Dr. Pamela Gabbay, AFSP.

“Returning to School After a Suicide Loss: For Younger Children.” Dr. Pamela Gabbay, AFSP.

“The truth about my father’s death.” A tribute by David Axelrod, political consultant. Chicago Tribune. June 16, 2006.

“10 Things I Wish People Understood About Suicide.” By Jennifer Michael Hecht, author of Stay: A History of Suicide and the Arguments Against It. Vox. Jan 23, 2015.

“My son was a Columbine shooter. This is my story.” A TED Talk by Sue Klebold reflecting on her son’s murder-suicide. February 27, 2017. Note: In this difficult and articulate talk, Klebold explores the intersection between mental health and violence, advocating for parents and professionals to continue to examine the link between suicidal and homicidal thinking.

“Finding Purpose in Light of This Week’s News.” – following the suicide deaths of Kate Spade, designer, and Anthony Bourdain, celebrated chef and author.  Letter from Robert Gebbia, CEO of  American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP.) June 8, 2018.

“Suicide rising across the US.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. June 2018.
Fact Sheet

“Suicide rates rise sharply across the United States, new report shows.” The Washington Post. June 7, 2018.

“Family turns tragedy into mental health awareness for teens.” NBC Nightly News. April 24, 2018. (Video, 3 min)

“Taking Our Life: Suicide, Ecocide, and Daring to Live.” A new play that deals with themes of suicide and ecocide. Playwright, director, actor, and producer Shoshana Alexander: “As we watch the primary characters in this piece dare to choose life, my hope is that we each can more firmly resolve to take our own lives and live them for the sake of Life, for the sake of those yet to come, and dare to live the life that is uniquely ours. This play is my response to that call.”
Trailer (1:36 min)
Shoshana Alexander Introduction to the Play (4 min)

“Not Alone.” Not Alone Website. A beautifully produced film about teen suicide, written for and by teens. Rent or stream the film, and available for schools.
Film Trailer

“Suicide: The Ripple Effect”  is a feature length documentary film that highlights the journey of Kevin Hines, who at age 19, attempted to take his life by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. The film chronicles Kevin Hines’ personal journey and the ripple effect it has on those who have been impacted by his suicide attempt and his life’s work since. In addition, the film highlights the stories of individuals and families who are utilizing their personal tragedy to bring hope and healing to others.
Film Trailer.
Interview with Kevin Hines: “I Jumped Off The Golden Gate Bridge.” (Video, 5 min)

“The only thing you need to say to someone who is hurting.” Thrive Global. August 16, 2017.

“Statement by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention on Chester Bennington.” American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. July 20, 2017.

“Musician Chester Bennington Dies at 41. Singer’s Death Highlights Higher Suicide Risk for Suicide Loss Survivors.” Statement by the American Association for Suicidology. July 20, 2017.

“The Cosmonaut.” (audio, 2 min) NPR KQED Perspectives. May 18, 2017.

“A Teachable Moment Using “13 Reasons Why” to Initiate a Helpful Conversation About Suicide Prevention and Mental Health.” (audio webinar, 1hr. 10min) AFSP website. Hosted by AFSP, ASCA, and NASP. May 2, 2017.

“’13 Reasons Why’ is provocative and devastating. Is it also dangerous?” (video, 12 min) PBS Newshour. May 2, 2017.

“Rate Of Suicide Among Female Veterans Climbs, VA Says.” NPR Morning Edition. April 25, 2017

“Suicide is Not a Bad Word.” NPR KQED Perspectives, March 8, 2017.

“We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks, read by John Ulrich (Student, South Boston, MA), as part of The Favorite Poem Project. Video (5 min)
Related Resource: SafePlace (Boston area) is an open group of caring people who have experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide.

“Coping with Suicide Loss: 9 Lessons for Hope and Healing.” Blog post by Marshall Dunn, author of Letters to Mitch – The Healing Power of Grief, Love & Truth about the loss of his brother to suicide.

“Loss Survivors and the Aftermath of Suicide.” By Sheila Hamilton, author of All the Things We Never Knew about mental illness and the loss of her husband to suicide. HuffPost. March 22, 2017.

“Helping Children and Teens After a Suicide.” Resource guide. Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group, Madison NJ.

“After A Vet’s Suicide, Getting VA Benefits Can Compound A Family’s Grief.” NPR, All Things Considered. August 31, 2016

“Information and Support After a Suicide Attempt: A Department of Veterans Affairs Resource Guide for Family Members of Veterans Who are Coping with Suicidality.” PDF Brochure. Office of Mental Health Services, US Department of Veterans Affairs. July 2014.

“Suicide in veterinary medicine: Let’s talk about it.” PubMed Central (PMC), U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. January 2015.

“In Unit Stalked by Suicide, Veterans Try to Save One Another.” New York Times. September 19, 2015.

“Grace.” (audio, 2 min) NPR KQED Perspectives. Jun 13, 2014

“Life Journeys: Reclaiming Life After Loss.” AFSP 2016 documentary Trailer (2 min) and Full Documentary (27 min)
View Past Documentaries. (Available in English with captions, Español, and Française)

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. AFSP, November 19, 2016. View Online Event (90 min)

“The Terrorist Inside My Husband’s Brain.” By Susan Schneider Williams (wife of Robyn Williams.) Neurology, September 27, 2016.

“Can technology help predict who will attempt suicide?” PBS Newshour. September 18, 2016.

“What’s the Mission Behind the 22 Pushup Challenge?” NBC Nightly News. September 3, 2016.

“When Jail Becomes a Death Sentence: spike of inmate suicides.” KQED California Report. August 22, 2016.

“VA Releases Report on Nation’s Largest Analysis of Veteran Suicide.” Department of Veterans Affairs, August 3, 2016.

“Mama Dragons Try To Prevent Suicides Among Mormon-LGBT Children.” NPR Morning Edition, July 7, 2016.

“557: Birds & Bees..” – Act 3: Talking with your children about death and suicide. NPR This American Life, May 15, 2015, replayed June 18, 2016.

“Judy Collins Reflects On Addiction, Mental Health And Music.” – and her son’s suicide. NPR Here and Now, June 9, 2016.

“When a Loved One Commits Suicide.” (audio, 52 min) NPR Forum, May 17, 2016.

“I have to learn to care for my suicidal teen with limits but without fear.” Washington Post, February 10, 2016.

“Meet the Researchers: An Introduction to the Latest in Suicide Research.” American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, 2016.
12 short, informative videos. Note: Videos posted as they become available.
(1) “Are You OK?” (How to talk to a child when you see warning signs for suicide.)
(2) “The Four D’s of Suicide Risk in Older Adults”
(3) “Using Technology to Fight Suicide”
(4) “Talk Saves Lives”
(5) “Project 2025”
(6) “Suicide: It’s Okay to Ask”
(7) “Why We Need to Fund Suicide Prevention Research”
(8) “Teens, Drinking & Suicide: What Every Parent Should Know”
(9) “The Suicide Detective”
(10) “Lived Experience in Suicide Prevention Research”
(11) “Safety Planning”

“Suicide rate in U.S. on the rise, with spike for girls age 10-14.” PBS Newshour, April 22, 2016.

“Suicide Rates Have Soared in the U.S.” NBC News, April 22, 2016.

“U.S. suicide rates up, especially among women, but down for black males.” CNN, April 22, 2016.

“Robin Williams Tunnel.” (audio, 2 min) KQED Perspectives, April 8, 2016.

“Requiem For A Teen: ‘Tyler’s Suite’ Honors A Life Cut Short.” (audio, 6 min) NPR Weekend Edition, April 2, 2016.
Tyler’s Suite website.
Listen to Tyler’s Suite: hear a portion of each movement here on YouTube.

“Project 22.” (Documentary about the suicide epidemic amongst veterans – 22 each day. 1 hr. 41 min) PBS.

“Local Focus: Project 22.” (Interview with the film makers. 58 min) PBS.

“My Perfect Country: Michigan, USA – suicide rate had dropped.” (audio download, 27 min) BBC My Perfect Country, February 28, 2016.

“CDC Continues Study of Palo Alto Teen Suicides.” (audio, 1.5 min) NPR California Report, February 22, 2016.

“After Rash of Teen Suicides in Palo Alto, the CDC Sends Team to Investigate.” Newsweek, February 16, 2016.

“Columbine Shooter’s Mother: I Carry Him ‘Everywhere I Go, Always’.” (audio, 43 min) NPR Fresh Air, February 16, 2016.

“Study of female veterans suicide would be required, under new legislation.” Military Times, February 10, 2016.

“Perspective: Suicide by Gun.” NPR KQED Perspectives, December 15, 2015.

“In Unit Stalked by Suicide, Veterans Try to Save One Another.” New York Times, September 19, 2015.

“Unraveling a String of Veteran Marine Suicides, One by One.” New York Times, September 19, 2015.

“The Warfighter Perspective: Big Dogs to the Front.” (video, 21 min) with Boon Cutler, Warfighters Rights Leader and combat veteran.

“Response to the Spartan Pledge.” (video, 3 min) with combat veterans.

“When Deciding To Live Means Avoiding Guns.” (audio, 4 min)  National Public Radio, September 24, 2015.

“Strategies for Dealing With the Death of a Loved One.” (Audio, 50 min) National Public Radio KQED Forum. June 5, 2015

Sheryl Sandberg post after the death of her husband Dave Goldberg. Facebook. June 3, 2015

“Suicide Rate Nearly Doubles for Black Youth.” National Public Radio, KQED Forum, May 22, 2015.

“Obama Signs Suicide Prevention for Veterans Act Into Law.” The New York Times. February 12, 2015.

“Obama Signs Act Designed To Prevent Suicide Among Veterans.” National Public Radio. February 12, 2015.

“In Preventing Trans Suicides, ‘We Have Such A Long Way To Go.'” National Public Radio, January 5, 2015.

“Why Are the U.S. Soldiers Killing Themselves in Battle? Banksy Art Asks.” Vision, October 24, 2014.

“In ‘Invisible Front,’ military family’s losses propel battle against mental health stigma.” (Video and transcript.) PBS Newshour. October 16, 2014.

“Should terminally ill patients be able to choose when they die?” (Video and transcript.) PBS Newshour. October 14, 2014.

“Active Minds Fights Stigma of Mental Illness on College Campuses.” (Video, 2 minutes.) Active Minds was started at the University of Pennsylvania by Alison Malmon, whose brother committed suicide during his senior year in college. NBC News. October 8, 2014.

“After the Battlefield, a Veteran Finds Hope on the Football Field.” (Audio, 8 minutes.) I could either take my own life, or I could live my life in a way that honors them that gave their life. NPR, The Takeaway. October 7, 2014.

Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act: “Why This 29-Year-Old Is Ending Her Own Life.” (Video, 6.5 minutes.) Refinery 29. October 6, 2014.

“One Military Family, Two Lost Sons: One To Combat, One To Suicide.” National Public Radio, All Things Considered. October 4, 2014.

“Judge Not His Death” (Audio, 2 minutes) Meeting the loss of a loved one to suicide with gentleness and compassion – for his loved one, and for himself. National Public Radio KQED Forum Perspectives, January 19, 2014

Peter Coyote’s Wisdom Regarding Robin Williams’ Suicide.” August 2014

“Hero pilot Sully shares family suicide story in wake of Robin Williams’ death.” AZCentral, August 15, 2014.

“Change of Heart” (Audio, 2 minutes) There is a need for all of us to tell our stories so we may open our hearts to our shared humanity. National Public Radio KQED Forum Perspectives. Aug 15, 2014

“Suicide, a Crime of Loneliness.” The New Yorker. August 14, 2014

Response to the death of Robin Williams” (Audio, 3 minutes) Robert Gebbia CEO, American Foundation for Suicide PreventionKSL Radio in Utah, August 14, 2014

“Robin Williams was sober, in early stages of Parkinson’s, wife says.” Los Angeles Times. August 14, 2014

“Suicide is Not Cowardly.” American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. August 13, 2014

“The Science Behind Suicide Contagion.” The New York Times. August 13, 2014

Anne Lamott post on Robin Williams suicide. Facebook. August 12, 2014.

“Robin Williams Didn’t Die from a Disease, He Died from his Choice.” The Matt Walsh Blog. August 12, 2014.

“Robin Williams Didn’t Kill Himself.”  Pop Chassid. August 12, 2014

“Robin Williams’s Age Group at Heightened Suicide Risk: Researchers Say Baby Boomers Face Financial, Other Challenges.” Wall Street Journal. August 12, 2014

“Unsafe Reporting on Suicide Can Cost Lives: An Open Letter from AFSP CEO Robert Gebbia.” American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. August 12, 2014

“Suicide contagion and social media: The dangers of sharing ‘Genie, you’re free’” The Washington Post. August 12, 2014

“U OK? Friends Ask.” American Association of Suicidology Response to the Death of Robin Williams, Michelle Cornette, AAS Executive Director.

“Statement on the Death of Robin Williams.” American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. August 12, 2014

“Golden Gate Bridge board OKs $76 million for suicide barrier.” SF Gate. June 28, 2014

“Catch Me If I Fall: Dorothy O’Donnell’s daughter might be one young person whose life could be saved by a Golden Gate Bridge suicide net.” (Audio, 2:07) National Public Radio KQED Forum Perspectives. April 22, 2014

“Meet the Australian Who’s Saved 160 People from Suicide.” Gawker. June 15, 2010

“Confessions of a Suicide Survivor: Inside a candid support group dedicated to helping New Yorkers cope with the crippling emotions that arise after a loved one takes her life.” The Week Magazine. April 5, 2014

“New Study Links Pre-existing Risks to Rise in Army Suicides.” PBS Newshour. March 4, 2014

“Judge Not His Death” (Audio, 2 minutes) Meeting the loss of a loved one to suicide with gentleness and compassion – for his loved one, and for himself. National Public Radio KQED Forum Perspectives, January 19, 2014

“Marine’s Family Decides To Talk Openly About His Suicide.” National Public Radio KQED Forum. November 7, 2013

“Preventing Police Suicides.” National Public Radio KQED Forum. September 25, 2013

“Back Home: Nearly 1 in Every 5 Suicides is a Veteran”The Denver Post, August 28, 2013

“Suicide Rates Are High Among the Elderly.” The New York Times. August 7, 2013

“Combat Has Little Or No Influence On Suicide Rates Among U.S. Troops And Veterans: JAMA Study” The Huffington Post, August 6, 2013

“JAMA Study: Mental health woes, not deployment or combat, raise military suicide risk” CBS News, August 6, 2013

“Suicide and the Unemployed,” PBS Newshour, May 22, 2013

“Baffling Rise in Suicides Plagues the U.S. Military” The New York Times, May 15, 2013

“A New Link Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Suicide”
PBS Frontline, May 15, 2013

“New CDC Report Finds Stunning Suicide Increases Among Middle-Aged Americans” PBS Newshour May 3, 2013

“Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S.” The New York Times, May 2, 2013

“More U.S. Troops Died by Suicide Than in Afghanistan Combat in 2012” PBS Newshour, January 15, 2013

“U.S. military suicides exceed combat deaths.” (article and videos) CBS News, January 14, 2013.

“Teen Suicide: About one in 25 U.S. teens has attempted suicide, according to a new national study, and one in eight has thought about it” HuffPost Live, January 12, 2013

“Study Shows Many Teens at Risk for Suicidal Behavior Despite Mental Health Help” PBS Newshour, January 9, 2013

“Imagining Suicide.” Laura K. Kerr Ph.D. Trauma’s Labyrinth: Finding Ways Out of Trauma. 2013.

“How a CHP Sergeant Stops Suicide Attempts on the Golden Gate Bridge.” National Public Radio KQED Forum. December 12, 2012

“The Urge to End It All.” The New York Times. July 6, 2008